About Zombie Authority

'Zombie Authority' is a web serial fiction written by Chris Rowson. 'Zombie Authority' is published at irregular and unpredictable intervals as determined by Chris's whimsical nature and work schedule. The series follows local authority worker George Denton as he is thrown into one of the strangest jobs ever devised by Rulton City Council.

You can follow Zombie Authority here:

Twitter: @RultonCCZombies
Google Plus: +Zombie Authority
Facebook: ZombieAuthority

And you can follow the author, Chris here:

Twitter: @Leftcase
Google Plus: +Chris Rowson

Just in case you missed the link in the box to your right - you can also find an episode list here

The profile picture used on social media accounts is taken from flickr, and is used under a creative commons attribution licence. Find out more here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dhollister/2596483147/

Finally, just in case any humourless person decides that a 'Zombie Authority' character or situation is based upon him or her, and begins to formulate a plan to sue/dismiss/assault Chris, this is probably also a good place to point out that all characters appearing in this work are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is of course purely coincidental...